Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Why desktops will gain popularity again.


Cloud technology, ease of use and performance make notebook PCs profitable.
desktops windows 10
Rapidly becoming cheaper laptops, tablets and PHABLET recently reduced the market share of desktop PCs. However, the development of cloud computing and the fall in the value of monitors with the big diagonals and super fine resolution can return the PC to its former popularity.

The development of wireless broadband and cloud services clearly separate tasks of daily communication, such as email, social networking, document viewing, searching for information and reading the news directly from the workflow.

In the second case, the modern man is often forced to spend a lot of time for any specific tasks, and the inherent mobility of smartphones and tablets for it is not a fundamental factor. That is why technological expert WSJ Jeffrey Fowler believes that soon the desktop massively return to our homes and offices.

A major factor in this case is the screen size. For a long and hard work it is very important workplace ergonomics, and a large monitor with high resolution, in this case provides a level of comfort.
If earlier the $ 2,000 would pay only a single widescreen display, now for that amount can be purchased, for example, 27-inch iMac with a 5K Retina, which even can not distinguish individual pixels. Modern laptops are definitely not boast the same quality image.

Desktop PCs at times more efficient in terms of performance. Thus, the new the Dell XPS 8900 will be equipped with much more powerful than a laptop, the processor Intel Core i7 6700K, which in the future will be replaced by newer versions.
For ergonomics are also important the correct location of the screen at an angle of 90 degrees to the line of sight and a comfortable keyboard and mouse to ensure correct positioning of the hands on the table.

You must have peripheral devices such as card readers, and a large number of USB-ports easily accessible. All these parameters are present only at the desktop.

Even if the presence of a laptop is important for the user, Fowler advises thinking about dock with full-screen, keyboard and mouse, as it significantly improves comfort and productivity.

As another argument journalist recalls that desktops have become more beautiful and more compact, and some of them can even be adapted to the style of interior design and furniture.

Another area of application for desktop PCs is becoming a niche family multimedia centers. HP Pavilion Mini or Apple Mac Mini have sufficient capacity to perform all tasks of modern and can be easily connected to a TV with a big diagonal, while occupying less space than a set-top box.

These computers can be shared by all members of the family and be a good entry-level computer for children. With the development of voice assistant type Cortana such PCs can take its place, for example, in the kitchen, where the hands are often busy and economic affairs to use tablet or smartphone uncomfortable.

In practice, however, the assumption of the journalist is not yet confirmed.

"In recent years, analysts predict a constant recovery in demand for stationary PCs and laptops, and these predictions which year did not come true - said" "head of the department of IT and cloud services J'son & Partners s.onsulting Alexander Gerasimov. - I think this is time to accept the fact. A similar trend is observed the world, where it has strengthened and landslide devaluation."

With regard to notebooks, we are talking not so much about whether they will lose their place PHABLET, tablets or desktops, and about what kind of mobile devices will be in the future, he said.
"From a technological point of view, in fact, formed a single market is conceptually identical to smart consumer devices, which differ from each other mainly in screen sizes, not more than that - said Gerasimov. - The functionality of these devices is determined by the services and applications with which they interact. And if we understand the tablet laptop with a large screen diagonal, then yes - such devices will survive, owning a touch screen and a detachable keyboard. "

A similar situation exists in the field of office PCs.

"Office computers would survive the market virtualization technology jobs and applications for which the system unit with a hard disk 0.5-1.0 TB is absolutely not necessary. Actually, he does not need right now - said Gerasimov. - So long as such the scope of stationary PCs and laptops, as the layout and design, but with the development of technologies to virtualize even such "heavy" applications, this trend will gradually disappear."